Prof. Doutor José Renato Gonçalves

Prof. Doutor José Renato Gonçalves

Deputy Director

He holds a doctorate in law (Law of Economic and Monetary Union) and a master’s degree. He is professor of law and economics at the Faculty of Law, University of Lisbon. His teaching and research focus on European Union Law, International Economic Law, Finance Law and Financial Markets Regulation.

He is member of the editorial board of the quarterly Competition and Regulation Journal / Revista de Concorrência e Regulação and of the Portuguese Commission on Access to Public Documents. His representative writings include the book The Euro and the Future of Portugal and the European Union / O Euro e o Futuro de Portugal e da União Europeia (2010) — a study on the development and the economic, social and territorial cohesion in the context of the European Economic and Monetary Union and of the globalization. His main publications are as follows – Euro e o Futuro de Portugal e da União Europeia – Estudo sobre o desenvolvimento e a coesão económica, social e territorial no contexto da união monetária europeia e da globalização, Almedina, Coimbra, 2010, pp. 912; E depois do ‘resgate’ (da Grécia, da Irlanda e de Portugal)? Outro ‘resgate’? (2011); As finanças das autarquias locais e os auxílios fiscais ao interior (2011). His area of expertise remains EU and Economic Law. He joined the research group on Globalization, Economic Integration and Development: European and Lusophone Perspectives and on Market Failures in a Globalized Economy: Institutional Approaches.

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