Profa. Doutora Rute Saraiva

Profa. Doutora Rute Saraiva

She has a PhD in law from the Faculty of Law, University of Lisbon.She is serves as an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Lisbon and cooperates with other Portuguese and foreign universities. She is a lecturer and author of over fifty publications, especially on economics and environmental law, economic analysis of law, psychology and law and financial regulation. A few of them are – Direito dos Mercados Financeiros: Apontamentos, AAFDL, Lisboa, 2013; A abordagem comportamental do Direito e da Económica das catástrofes naturais, in Actas do Colóquio, Catástrofes Naturais: Uma realidade multidimensional, ICJP, Lisboa, 2013; Lições de Natal de Finanças Públicas: a Christmas tree tax, Revista de Direito Fiscal e Finanças Públicas, n.º 1, Ano V, Almedina, Coimbra, 2012. Her area of expertise is Economic law, Environmental law and Public finance. She joined the research group on Tax Governance: International Standards, Patriotisms and Exiles and is a member of the research group on Market Failures in a Globalized Economy: Institutional Approaches.

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