Great Britain: to leave or not to leave

23 de junho, Faculdade de Direito de Lisboa
Great Britain: to leave or not to leave

On June 23rd, Great Britain citizens will decide about staying or leaving the European Union. It will be a full choice of consequences for that State, but also for the European Union.

For that reason, we gathered a group of personalities of the most diverse areas that, at the same time that the British will be voting, will discuss about the referendum and the day after.

At the debate, there will be questions like what would the participants do if they were British citizens (and if there were a similar referendum in Portugal), which are the consequences for the British society and economy, what will happen to the European Union, what are the reflexes in the British and the European Union financial systems or what will change in the security and geo-strategic european plans.

Ana Guerra Martins (teacher), Carlos Branco (general), Diogo Feio (former member of the European Parliament and teacher), Francisco Louçã (former member of the Portuguese Parliament and teacher), Francisco Seixas da Costa (Ambassador and former secretary for European Affairs), Marco Capitão Ferreira (teacher), Maria João Carioca (president of Euronext Lisboa), Paulo Macedo (former Health minister), Paulo Sande (former chief for the European Parliament representation in Lisbon), Rui Tavares (former member of the European Parliament) e Viriato Soromenho-Marques (teacher) are the guest speakers for this session.

It’s with the biggest pleasure that we invite you to participate in this fundamental debate, in a marking day for the European Union future and for our own future.

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