Profa. Doutora Paula Vaz Freire

Profa. Doutora Paula Vaz Freire

She has Doctoral degree, PhD in Law from the Faculty of Law, University of Lisbon. She is a Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Lisbon. She is a member of several working groups at University of Lisbon and a member of the Board of the Faculty of Law. Her publications include – A “Regra de Ouro”: Entre o Compromisso e a (Ir)responsabilidade”, in Direito & Política, 3, Abril-Junho 2013, pp. 72-78; Coordenación Económica: La Reforma del Pacto de Estabelecimiento y Crecimiento”, in El Mercado, la Crisis y Europa, Conferencias y Mesas Redondas del IV Curso de Verano en Pozuelo, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Centro de Excelencia Jean Monnet “Antonio Truyol”, 2012, pp. 39-54; Sociedade de Risco e Direito do Consumidor”, in Lemos, Patrícia I. F. & Tereza A. Lopez (org.), Sociedade de Risco e Direito Privado: Desafios Normativos, Consumeristas e Ambientais, São Paulo, Atlas, 2012, pp. 375-79.

Her areas of expertise are European Union Law, Competition Law and Political Economy. She joined the research group on Globalization, Economic Integration and Development: European and Lusophone Perspectives and the research group on Market Failures in a Globalized Economy: Institutional Approaches.

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